Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Barry, Bump and Basement Joe. The three stooges of the US presidency. No one accuses any of them of having basic integrity. In a very real sense, presidents have always been a reflection of the kind of people dominant in the US. Democracy apparently produces the kind of person who best reflects the people who elect them. In other words, people vote for the candidate who parallels their own thought patterns. One has to scratch fairly hard to find basic honesty in any of the three stooges.

Though most of the country seems to be voting for Trump, it seems that many are doing so reluctantly. Polls did show there was a huge will on the part of the public to see both candidates gone. Unfortunately, neither candidate obliged the polls. We will never know how much difference it would make.

But I speculate that it would have made little difference. Democracy, again, chooses the man who best reflects its character. There is a deep integrity problem in the character of our country. Sex is no longer determinable for one party; in the other party, immigration would stop with an iron wall. In such circumstances, I have always voted for the one that I would figured for the least damage. How the mighty have fallen!

Consider our forefathers. It is no accident that one party hates our forefathers. They seek to fundamentally change our government, hating the very republic that we have set up.  One of our forefathers said that our government is made for a wholly moral and religious people. What happens when we have lost both religion and morals? How the mighty have fallen!

What is a Christian to do in such circumstances? It is time to remember that this form of government will pass away soon. I do not mean that it will adopt a form of Marxism, though that indeed may happen in the near future. I mean that all governments, all kings, and, yes, all presidents shall soon be forced to bow to the King of kings, the Lord of lords. We Christians are called to watch, to be ready, and to be found working on the day of his return. Are you busy working for the Lord. What if it were today?

We are to be one of those thousand points of light that George Bush used to talk about. But different than Bush talked about. A person holding out the very truth of life, that alone has the power to redeem and save. A light in the darkness, that some might yet be snatched from the fires of judgment that are coming upon the whole earth.

It is called in Jeremiah, the time of Jacob’s trouble. In Revelation, it is referred to as the hour of temptation. Jesus says that he will return after the times of the Gentiles are over. And Paul says Israel will be awakened after the fulness of the Gentiles is past. That time is almost upon us. Are you ready if it were today? Are you watching? This little light of mine, I am going to let it shine.



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