Creation versus Evolution
The case for creation Part 1
(Next: The case against evolution Part 2)
It seems to me that many today do not bother to study the issue; the evolutionist smugly says that it is okay to believe in religion as long as you believe in evolution while the Christian somehow believes the two contradictory propositions to be true. What I hope to show in this two-part posting is that the two views are incontrovertibly contradictory. What we are left with is simple logic: either both are untrue, or one is true and the other is false. What is not possible is that both can somehow harmonize. It is nothing but the simplest logic.
      In Genesis, the Bible says that God created the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested. Some who would reconcile the irreconcilable do so on one of two bases. First they argue for a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Indeed, it is my opinion that there could be a gap forced between the two verses, but it is not likely. However long it took the Creator to do this logically does not force a gap, preferably the one of five billion years which is what evolution currently teaches as the age of the earth. In any case for the Christian the case is clearly settled in Exodus 20:11, an important passage giving the 10 commandments to the children of Israel. Hardly a disputed passage, it clearly states: “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day” (emphasis added). It seems very clear that the Creator did create in very short order.
      Which brings us to the second basis: that of the long-day-interpretation. Some have postulated that each day could be lengthened to a nonspecific term. This term would have been considerably shorter a mere fifty years ago when evolutionists said the earth was much younger. Now they believe that they need more time, and believe it or not, dating systems today show an earth about 5 billion years old. So today we would have to suppose that each day is lengthened to something shorter than a billion years. But what is a few million years more or less when we are talking about such a long period?
      The Hebrew for day is the word yowm, which means, according to Strong’s Concordance either from one sunset to another or an unspecified age. At first appearance one might exalt in harmonizing the two views, crying out “Here it is. The place where evolution and religion meet.” But alas, such is not to be. For when the scripture is compared with scripture we clearly see the week that the children of Israel being compared to the same week in which creation took place. Israelites are told to rest on the seventh day, exactly as God rested. The Israelites are told to rest on the seventh day over and over again on the basis of what the Creator did. To make the one a billion years and the other an ordinary day would severely distort the plain sense of the passage.
      The real and unstated problem is of course those who refuse to believe in the spiritual. If God is a spirit and all-powerful, why would it take him seven eons instead of seven days? Thomas Jefferson was so furious at the miracles of God that he retranslated the New Testament taking all the miracles out. But it evidently did his faith no substantial good to remove the miracles; as far as I know he remained a skeptic to the end of his days. Some have made the same mistake in trying to naturalize the miracles. I have heard some say the parting of the Red Sea came when a great natural wind came up, providentially this time for the Israelites, but a natural occurrence nonetheless. Naturalizing miracles, or gainsaying them away will not bring us to a knowledge of the Creator; instead the miracles are what point us to the unspeakable power of God. It is His authentication of who He is.
      So what? What can be made of this and where is the contradiction? It is really quite simple. Everything from Adam to Abraham is counted in years in the Bible. The years add to 1,946. Abraham was born about 2,150 BC, a date well established in Jewish history. Thus we have 2,150 plus 1,946 to equal 4,096 BC as approximately the time of creation. We are limited in this math somewhat because the Bible only tells us that each father was so old when he had his child. To better exemplify take the case of Noah. Was Noah exactly 500 (did he have his birthday on the same day as his son Shem?) or had he been 500 for 364 days already? This does lend some uncertainty to my math, so for each generation I add a year of uncertainty. Thus in the 20 generations to Abraham I have added 20 years of uncertainty. We are also unsure exactly of Abraham’s birth although New International Version (hardly a conservative icon) lists his birth at 2166 BC. No matter—for the sake of simplicity I will give another 50 years of uncertainty, thus moving my total uncertainty to 70 years. There is not a lot of room for any more uncertainty.
      Bishop Ussher gave a famous chronology in the Middle Ages for this, figuring the creation of the world to be 4004 BC. In my opinion, for the above reasons it seems impossible to be this precise, but it can be stated that the Bible does give the clear beginnings of the earth to be at or about 4,000 BC. That is, in a nutshell, the problem of evolution which now states the earth to be five billion years old. This chronology as well as an excellent short biography of Ussher is given by Answers in Genesis.
      So let me state the contradiction succinctly: the literal interpretation of the Bible shows the earth to be about six thousand years old and the current hypothesis of evolution says the earth is about five billion years old. Not much room for harmony there. The choice might well be stated as Darwin or God.
Mr. D,
I like your conclusion. Its only reasonable to allow the thinking intelligent human being to decide whether he will believe a man or his Creator. As far as I can see, there is equal evidence on both sides, that is, from a secular minded point of view. If I have allowed my heart and mind to be seduced by a world in rebellion then I will find an abundance of "evidence" to see that there is no God. And this is just as God devised it all. "For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
God has placed Himself on judgment. He is the Defendent on the witness stand. We are the judges, just like Lucifer desired. In His great condescension He allows this, but let's not be fooled to think that that won't bring with it great responsibility and repercussions when the last rebel raps the gavel at God for the last time. He who perfectly balances mercy and justice will perfectly reward those who fall in contrition and those who stand fast in pride.
Soon the great finalization of God's judgment will happen, when the tables get turned; when the judges become the judged and the Judged rises in acquittal. By then, some of the judges will have seen God's character better and advocate for Him, and He will gather them into His garner.
But Satan is furiously preparing his great standoff for that day. He takes vast eons of time and other unfathomable ideas that only a very creative and clever angel can come up with and easily convinces sinners to swallow it all in bind faith. Only those who have separated from his influence can safely avoid his amazing contrivances. No one like the serpent can capture our attention if our heart hasn't been reconciled to One who loves the foulest of the filthy. Love leads that foul, filthy one to admit his condition and gladly bow in service to Him and to trust His word. But without conversion of the heart, it is impossible to believe God is and that He is responsible for all the glory of Earth and the heavens. The unregenerate heart refuses to accept that a Person of wonderful goodness made everything just for our happiness, and Satan prods them along.
Mr. D, while this weeding out process develops, let's determine to know Jesus and His love, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowsihp of His suffering. Its our only safety from deception these days.
Hey there, my buddy AaronTweeton has an entry discussing the issue. Check it out if you would and chime in! Aaron Tweeton's Blog. Its the entry called, "Should Apes Go To Church?"
I agree. You continue to come up with great and thoughtful posts. Thanks
Thanks for the link. I posted on it, but I forgot to mention how utterly captivating I think the title of the entry is.
I was rereading your 1st paragraph again. It is so poignant!
As far as I can see, there is equal evidence on both sides, that is, from a secular minded point of view. If I have allowed my heart and mind to be seduced by a world in rebellion then I will find an abundance of "evidence" to see that there is no God. And this is just as God devised it all. "For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
I have found so much truth in that statement. Men have biases and those seem to always drive their thoughts. The biggest problem comes when someone pretends to be unbiased and tell you the "truth". I have found myself being very wary of those people; I would much rather have someone tell me what they think and then work at objectivity. I used to naively believe people could objectively look at the gospel, but now I do think the very power of God must be calling them and clearing them of the great deception. Hardly objective. But something to be grateful for as He calls us because he loves us.
Yes Pat,
Isn't it wonderful that love to God is our only true protection from deception! Love, the simplest thing to understand, yet the hardest for sinners to experience, is becoming the big testing point. For anyone interested in love, here some good news. I'm interested!
Its not how well one can fend off the huge scientific arguments and proofs and intellectual deductions. If we get trapped into that, we're doomed. Didn't Eve try that route? She should have turned and run to her husband. No one is safe arguing with the devil. He will fix the attempter into his clever constructs and lull them in to his web of reasoning.
Learning to love and trust God is our only safety. Trusting in His word will pull us through. Becoming like children, in the face of all the evidence Satan can mount; looking only to Jesus, being crucified with Him.
"For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." 1Cor. 1:21.
God will teach us what He wants us to know and say. We need to do what king Hezekiah told the people on the wall of Jerusalem when the Rabshekah spoke so convincingly for them to surrender to him--get down from the wall and don't listen!
From one of your comments:
"I used to naively believe people could objectively look at the gospel, but now I do think the very power of God must be calling them and clearing them of the great deception. Hardly objective. But something to be grateful for as He calls us because he loves us."
See, Dad, you're at least a little bit Calvinist :)
Biblicist Debbie. Who is Calvin anyway? I know of Paul. I know of Peter. I do know of Jesus. But where is this Calvin? Perhaps you are reading from part of the Bible I do not have?
Have you checked out this site?
That is an awesome sight. I marked it in my favorites. I noticed they are contributing articles to ICR also. Thanks for the great link!
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