The Spiritual Host
By Patrick Davis
I went to church this morning and it was well attended. There were almost a thousand people in the chairs and on the risers. How marvelous it is when believers draw together in unity!
One question: if we had spiritual eyes, what would we see? It says in Psalms that the angels surround us; I know one old favorite pastor who used to say that it meant that each of us had eight angels. Six to surround us as a cube, and two more: one to carry our prayers to God, and another to bring them back. I smile as I remember that teaching- nearly thirty years ago- but it does give me pause from time to time.
I wonder. Do you remember the prayer of Elisha when surrounded by his enemies? He was not at all afraid, as was the man petitioning Elisha, for he saw the spiritual host. He prayed that God would open the man’s eyes that he might see- and the man saw all the heavenly host arrayed against the enemies of Israel.
What pause it gives me to think we are here feeling so alone, when all the while, the focus of the heavenly host is upon us, watching to see what we will do. Waiting for our weak petitions, that they might move. With the coming judgment upon us, how shall we neglect so great a salvation? And what shall become of us in our neglect?
I wonder what we would see, if we had spiritual eyes, I mean. With a thousand souls gathering to worship, what angels, what hosts, what armies would we see if we had but the eyes? Oh God, give me the eyes to see not only the host before me which I must fight, but also the eyes to see the greater host behind me.
Strong stuff here! I've shared those same thoughts during worship. I was particularly struck by the mystical side of things whenever I would see a great victory for God, you know? If I had watched a friend go through difficult times or challenges who was delivered through safely after engaging his faith... I would always wonder what angelic beings we involved.
One of my favorite books EVER is The Screwtape Letters. Just love that kind of stuff.
I could actually read The Screwtape Letters only twice. It turns my head too much trying to see things backwards. Lewis said the same thing when people asked him to do a sequel. You must have a strong stomach!
Yes, what would we see? I really enjoyed your thoughts. I would like to have those eyes. Jesus disappeared sometimes and walked right past His enemies. How? The 12 legions of angels? Elisha walked his perfectly docile enemies into his home camp. The heavenly host at work blinding like they did at Sodom? And to have the faith, always to know we are under God's protection and the view of a great cloud of witnesses.
Its not a fairy tale? No, they are real.
I like to think we do have "those eyes" if only we will see. I do wonder how much stronger in the faith we would be if we really learned to rely on Christ.
If we are to rely on the testimony Christians who live in third world countries and endure severe persecution, it is obvious that they have better eyes than we do.
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