Thursday, July 25, 2024

King Jesus


I am so used to saying “Lord Jesus”, that I have to remind myself from time-to-time that he will be king. He will assume the kingship of the earth upon his return, and will reign over Christians forever. In Revelation 19, there is a marriage ceremony between the King and the Church. Forever after, the King will look after his church.

When is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? Some think it after the tribulation, the time of Jacob’s trouble, but I think it takes place in heaven. The only time saints will ever be together in heaven is during the time of Jacob’s trouble, a time of wrath that the world has never seen before. During that time, it is altogether fitting that God the Son should show off his bride to the heavenly host, and to his Father. The church, we are told, is dressed in the righteous acts of the saints, and will absolutely gleam in the glory of God.

Forever after we will have our King Jesus, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings. What a wonderful thought to dwell on this morning as I start my day. King Jesus, come quickly!